How to Always Have Hope

Hello beautiful! Mia Fly Girl here with a quote of the week!

“As long as you are breathing, there is always hope.” -Mia Vanessa Prom

My grandpa was a fighter. He was a chef, artist, ice carver, grandpa, dad, Retired US Navy chief, and fought through Prostate cancer, a heart attack, and Acute Myeloid Leukemia.

He was my #1 supporter in everything I did. From award ceremonies, picking me up from school, dance classes, pageants, or shopping, he was always there.

However, in early 2020, the doctor told him he only had 1-2 months to live but because he always had hope, he lived almost 5 months more than expected!

Until August 12, 2020, he took his last breath. His final words were “pag-asa” Which meant “hope” in Tagalog.

I vividly remember him waving goodbye as his hands gave up. I could see his face as he tried so hard to keep breathing.

Although he is in heaven without suffering, I will continue to spread his legacy to have hope til the end.

I hope this story changed your perspective of life. Always give hope to the hopeless and never lose it! Remember, be-you-tiful, be-fly!


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